The three performance artists I liked the most are Tony Oursler, Jim Campbell and Woody Vasulka. Tony makes his pictures blurred, which makes you look deeply into the picture for a while and wonder what it actually is. I really like his art because it made me feel like I actually had to stare at it and figure out what I was looking at.
What caught my attention about Campbell's work is that he uses a lot of eyes in his art. I don't know why I have always had an attraction for eyes, and the way he mixes them with art made it look amazing to me. His pieces are also pretty colorful!!
As for Vasulka I found interesting how he uses comparer pictures and convert them to both, pixels and grey scale. I've never seen art like that before, I think it is a quite innovative idea.
I like pretty much all of the artists, however, these three caught my attention more than the other ones.